Wednesday, November 13, 2013

wedding bells

Well, we had a wedding over here! My little brother Tyson married cute Danielle on the 4th of November. It was a beautiful day, and now I have a new sister, putting the sibling grand total in my family at a 10! Wow. How did that happen? Time flies I guess.

They were sealed at 10:35 in the Salt Lake Temple, to be exact, following which was a very cold picture taking session. Seriously—it was so cold. It was a good hour before I had full mobility in my toes again and they turned their normal color rather than sheet white. Not that I should be complaining because Tys and Danielle were stuck outside a whole lot longer than I was, but brrrrrrr! I just can’t wrap my brain around people who like winter. It is an impossible concept for me to understand. So I’m just not going to try.

Back to the wedding…following the temple was a fun lunch and reception at Noah’s, and let me tell you, that bride can plan!! The venue looked spectacular and it all spawned from the creative juices of Danielle. She definitely has a knack for decorating and made the place look beautiful. I have to say though, that my favorite part of the night had to be dancing, dancing, dancing. I was out there with my family for who knows how long, just dancing the night away. I can't remember the last time I had that much fun! Unfortunately my body paid for it the next day. Not to mention other people—I was a hazard on the road because I couldn’t move my neck to check my blind spots. Look out! Buuuuuut it was well worth it :)

so sweaty. 

Anyway, a big congrats to my little brother and his new wife…love you both so much. And welcome to the crazy fam, Danielle!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ok I love this so much! Its so true, what a crazy family we are! :) Love the craziness!
