Saturday, October 15, 2011

{soft foods diet}

Life on a soft foods diet has been pretty monotonous to say the least. My current diet consists of:

Soup, Jamba Juice, potatoes, yams, soup, protein shakes, pudding, soup, oatmeal, soup, pasta, soup, and soup! I can now proudly (or maybe ashamedly) say that I have had every soup flavor on the Zupas menu (multiple times).

Don’t be too jealous.

Though I’m tempted to complain, I really can’t because it’s all going to make me better in the end, right?

Confession: I attended my first physical therapy appointment with the secret hope that the doctor would bring out a ginormous hamburger and say “here, try biting into this”; or perhaps a plate of cookies which would require me to practice a little chewing. Turns out I hoped in vain...I can dream can’t I?

But I do have my soft foods diet to thank for bringing out the slightest domesticity I have in me. This week I pulled out my apron and decided to get a little creative. I homemade my own applesauce. I was a little skeptical during the process but it actually turned out rather well. And by rather well, I mean delicious!

Hurrah for adding a new food item to my lovely list of soft foods,it makes life so much more exciting...

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